Month: January 2008

  • and so the foray into early british literatur i go, somewhat reluctantly.  i say reluctantly not because i am not eager to actually learn this stuff and finally understand all of it, but because i am a servant of two masters, and i don't have the time to delve into it as much as i want to.  and if i had the time, which i try to have, my brain is always baling out information like water in a boat with a hole.  i can't keep it all in.


    this week was reading beowulf, and i have to say, this passage is now earmarked for me, indelibly:

    "Stricken in spirit, Hrothgar would often closet his council to ponder what plan might be deemed best by strong-minded men.  Sometimes the the elders swore before altars of old war-idols, offering prayers for the soul-slayer to succor their people.  Such was their habit, the hope of heathens:  with hell in their hears, they were lost to the Lord.  They never would know the Almighty's mind or worship the world's one true protector.  Sorry are those who sear their souls, afflicted by flames they freely embraced.  No cheer for the chastened!  No change for the better!  But happy is he who trusts in heaven and lives to his last in the Lord's keeping."

    *  *  *  *

    something about it...


  • i have a weak chin, but a mighty heart.

  • i'm just in a quiet mood lately.  i feel like i have about 3 posts in my brain, but my fingers are on a writer's strike, and i don't want to cross the picket line.


  • el shaddai by amy grant just came on the lobby music.


    i'm too apathetic about it to even muster up a proper disgust.

  • i'm eating rice crispies, a banana nut muffin and orange juice. 

    i'm glad that breakfast has made a comeback in 2007 for me.  this is, in excessively large part, due to the boy, who hearts breakfast.


  • so, i was on the treadmill at the gym yesterday, and towards the end of my run when i'm seriously contemplating just slogging through the last bit and leaving early, the tv in front of me changes to nbc's the biggest loser.

    i swear, everyone in my row of treadmills started running just that much quicker.

    i have no idea why they don't just play that show in a loop non-stop.  talk about motivation.

  • "you have to be rich to be insane. 
    losing your mind is not a luxury for the middle class."


  • is there an age after which it is unacceptable to insist on having only buffalo wings for dinner?

    what about two nights in a row?

    hypothetically, i mean...


    "it can always be louder."

    this is the first lesson that guitar hero taught me.  my brother searched out the last guitar hero III game for his nintendo wii, and it did not disappoint.

    even i, being remarkably untalented at most gaming systems past sonic the hedgehog for sega and the mario series for the original nintendo, enjoyed it.

    i rocked out to weezer, the rolling stones, and heart.

    the easy level, of course.  do not look down upon the easy level.  only three keys and my wrist hurt like a mother.  my hands were not meant to curl around a guitar board.  they naturally go flat and spread out on ivory keys, thank you very much.  when they start making piano hero, call me up.

    then i spent some of my brother's "hard earned" guitar hero money at the store.  he and julie bought songs.  me?  i bought more outfits.  if they had shoes for my guitar hero, that money would be gone.



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